Mie's Winter

Thursday, October 30 | 0 comments
Hello! We meet again! I already finished my final so I am free right now. (Except that next week I got my experiment test) But totally putting that aside, today I would like to share my thoughts about fan-fiction!

I guess most of the anime fans know what are fan-fictions means, but here some definition about it!

It is actually a fan-made story about some pairings for certain fandom (etc. One Piece like Luffy x [insert a girl’s name here]) And it is not always about romance, it can be any type of genre at all but it takes place at that fandom universe. Or you take the characters from that fandom out at alternate universe (AU like in Earth, Galaxies)

Go read some fan-fictions about any anime that you like. You will understand better.

I guess I can be labelled as a hard core reader because I like to search fan-fictions after I finished any anime title, but mostly I only search for fan-fiction if I somehow didn’t like how the pairings’ relationship ended up or I would like to see any sweet moments between the characters that I shipped but just a faint of romance happened between them in the anime! But, avoid reading any fan-fiction before you finished the anime though, you might get spoilers.

And there are also some fan-fictions that its story about some anime characters having a romance with the author’s OC though. I love reading these type of fan-fictions because like One Piece, I already said that I didn’t shipped anyone right? (and besides you can imagine that OC is actually you and---)

And there’s also some type of fan-fictions that instead of using name, it using ‘you’

 Ex: You walked outside the house and you saw someone have been standing there. “Waiting there in this cold weather? You can catch a cold!” He smirked— 

Sorry for that crappy—

Moving on, some fan-fictions may portray the anime characters differently and this is what being said as OOC (out of character) lel of course, we are not the author of the titles you know, this situation might happened occasionally. BUT the authors should try their best to make the characters are not being OOC. Not being the author of the anime itself doesn’t make you are an exception.

I have a hard time in writing this, trust me.

The main point is actually I just want to complaint about some fan-fictions that I've just read. It is actually unfair for making the characters being totally badass when actually the characters are not but just having the potential of it. Yeah, like being pirates are maybe bad (in real life it against the law, duh) but you don’t have to totally highlight that point.

If I take this recent fan-fiction that I just read, it is about Eustass Kid and some OC. Eustass Kid might looked like totally badass on the anime, being cruel whatsoever but you don’t have to portray him being totally badass like ‘kill everyone’ (I can accept this one) or just like ‘he just want to have some booze and making out with some chicks’ 


I might be over acting or over emotional about this but if we studied the anime/manga, he clearly shows that he doesn’t have any interest on some chicks and actually most of the men in One Piece too (if you can cross out Sanji name lel) so you don’t have to portray him like that, because it actually ached my heart deep inside. Seriously.

Okay, if they write about Sanji, they might portray him like ‘he jumped from one relationship to another, without actually caring with who he making out with—‘ But, Sanji is actually care about them right, about those girls? And he might have a potential being that kind of man, but he is not. You got me? True, the sensei might never elaborate up to this point but it doesn’t mean the fan-fiction authors got a pass-ticket about this. (I never read any Sanji fanfictions so if I am wrong, do correct me)

Maybe, it actually another type of OOC-ness.

This is rather a serious topic to point out but I just want to make myself clear. I really hate my precious favorite characters being violated up to this point and it is really really hurts. That’s why I am quite picky in choosing what fan-fictions to read or what type of genre I want to see. But the world are always like this, you hate this but the others love it? Totally the usual stuff.

Or maybe I am just being totally innocent, because that behavior maybe kind of common??? No. At least not here in Malaysia. That’s why I can’t accept this. If you are having a well-educated religious background, (whatever religions actually) you might understand this. This type of behavior is WRONG. Freely social-ing and having an open s** with random person is WRONG. WRONG until you are being tied with someone.

But let me savor this innocent part of me just a little longer.

Oh and usually the authors wrote this on the introduction ‘don’t like, don’t read’ I guess I am kinda being warned first. lol


(where's the One Piece manga update?!! /crai)

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Friday, October 24 | 0 comments

Tomorrow is a new year already for us, muslims eh? How time sure flies. I learnt that wishing 'Happy New Year' on first January is not quite appropriate so I will just post my new year resolutions now. Not that its necessary but I just in the mood to write something.

  • Pass SPM with flying colors
  • Draw, Rest, Sleep, Study more
And the rest are getting personal. So why the heck actually am I writing this? I am in the mood, like I said earlier. Har har

Laugh, laugh while you still can.
Smile, smile like there's nothing wrong.
Cry, cry as much as you like.
There's nothing wrong with man shedding tears.

Judging people.

They said first impressions are the most important thing when you are meeting with new people. I can't agree more, because I usually try to read someone's personality when the first time that I saw them with my own eyes.

But, that first impressions can change later on, when you meet them regularly, the more you have a conversation with them, knowing their attitudes, likes and dislikes, their background stories and so on. At least to me.

But today, I misread someone and it take me aback actually. I didn't expect this person to be that kind of person (lel) and a part in my heart feel hurts, I don't exactly know why, maybe because how often you misread someone to be kind but it actually vice versa. (and it works the other way)

But... What if?

That someone are trying to change right now? and because I found something that he wrote long time ago, my impressions changed but he is trying to fix it right now...? I don't know. That's why people always said don't judge people too quickly, because they might be different from the way they act.

I can't agree more. I am also, an idiot.

Later, have a nice day.


Thursday, October 23 | 1 comments

I-- I have never been tagged b-by someone else before and-- and- this is an overwhelming moment for me. Yeah seriously, both of my hand are shaking like hell right now and my feet goes numb. (hiperbola kata orang)

Okay, back to this business, I've got tagged by Fara. Thanks so much dude gal!

Here are the rules ~
  • Mention the person who nominated you with a link to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions asked.
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers with smaller followers but with lots of potential.
  • Create 11 of your own questions for them to answer. Notify your nominee.

And this is her questions and my answers for it ~

   Have you ever feel like 'you' were abandoned?
        Sometimes. But if it means by friends. But abandoned/left out by my family, no. So this is what I thought, everyone feel the same thing, being left out, being abandoned by the group you are in. It's a lie if someone said they never feel alone. After all, the one that truly can understand you, is yourself and Him. So nothing special, everyone feel the same thing! (at least that is what I always think...)

 What do you want? (hountouni want * nak sangat)
      Right now? if it is a item, I want a drawing tablet, full volume of One Piece manga, and also a cool and high quality camera! I also want to be a pirate and be free a motivation for why I am here... why am I studying. (dark stuff, you don't want to know about it lel)

 You already seen my blog right? What do you think of me?
       You are such a cute kouhai. Well I think you are really cool for being the same species as me and thank god, there's a person in my generation that doesn't corrupted (you know, teenagers these days /crai) yet. Keep cool and don't ever be tired being you! (a-hem)

 How did you express your feelings?
      I SCREAM FIRST, SHOUT, AND SIT IN THE CORNER WHILE MUMBLING MY FEELINGS. (it's true;;)  and then I write all of that.

 What do you think if an otaku meet a kpoper and a directioner?
      HELL NO. But I think it will pretty normal if you just having a normal conversation going. But if its about your interest, I rather kill myself walk away because of a certain reason, I can't stand k-pop but if a directioner, okay I guess? BUT STILL NO.

 Do you Love to draw? if you do, why? if you don't then why?
      Awww. I love drawing so much. It helps me being a person that I can't in real life (because, your parents will against the idea of you being a pirate, right?) and it helps killing my time, expressing myself... and others.

 Babies or children ? which one do you most prefer to take care of? Why?
      Babies. Children are so annoying and I can't stand them at all. If they are behaving at their best behavior that I can stand them. I hate a lots of things and noisy/out of control children are one of them. I love my environment being quiet and peaceful, that's why I hate taking care of children.

 Type of song that you like?
      Believe this, I only listen to Japanese songs and some old english song (rebel songs like from Simple Plan, Greenday and so on) mostly anime songs though and a few jpop songs. Oh yeah, from Vocaloid too! They are too awesome! and I also enjoy instrumental, and some classic music. (like Canon)

 Whats on your mind right now? (random. no thinking on this time) Honest please~
      "Why are she being so nice for tagging a nobody like me. /crai silently"
      "Why are Corazon got killed by his own brother. How cruel. I hate Mingo so much."
      "Where's the new One Piece manga update? /crai again"
      "I really like Law. Why I can't marry him."
      "I need to eat."

 If you have 'travel' all of my blog, since when I'm an Otaku? If you don't, what was your expression and thought when the first time you took a look of my blog?
      I didn't notice, but I think its around when I follow you? Maybe a bit earlier? If your old template (purple one) I felt nothing. Like nice, woww (sorry) But if your current template right now, HOLEY--- HITSUGAYA IS EVERYWHERE AMGGG;; SO KAKOI DESU

 What type my blog when the first time you get in.(zaman purple dulu / zaman hijau skang ni). What do you think of my blog. Comment my blog ..Onegai! (please) and be Honest please~
      First time when I follow you back then, its the purple one and I thought it is really cool because you must be a pro in editing/designing your own blog. But I really like the current one because duuuuude it's clearly show that you are an anime lover. Hitsugaya FTW (no actually I didn't watch Bleach. I gave up halfway)

I hope you are not feeling bored because seriously, its really long. but must be boring after all.

I don't have anyone to tag, so no questions.

Until next post,


Tuesday, October 21 | 0 comments
/Spoiler alert! You have been warned.

it's currently 5.02 am and here I am, sacrificing my health just to catch up 30++ chapter of One Piece manga but hey, I didn't regret it one bit! At least one of my ToDo list got crossed out!

and thus, I have become an owl tonight

I usually knowing things or events that happened in certain anime/manga not from the show itself but by coincidence (or I just have this super bad habit from reading wiki too much orz;;) and maybe from tumblr or pages from Facebook.

and turned out that my sister telling me that Tora-o might got killed

because of this picture I thought...

and I have suffered a moment of heartbroken and depressed feelings. I've been reading this guy's wiki and there's nothing mentioned about his death or something!? and just to make sure with my own eyes (because if I google-d it, it will be pretty lame, don't you think so?) I decided to catch up all the chapters that I haven't read just yet.

turned out my sister lied! yeahh! what a relieve! I don't know what to do with my life if Law died /crai

the latest chapter taken me aback. I mean, I never thought Mingo and Law have some terrifying past? but I still hate Mingo though, for doing whatever he is doing right now. and for killing someone who was really close with Law back then...

but duuuude I can't really blame Mingo (but still, he don't need to kill his brother! what a jerk!)

and here are some gifs that I really like. I've already reblogged it on my tumblr but knowing me, a person who loves to reblog everything that she found interesting and that post will become further and further below... its safer if I put these here

/I own nothing

Knowing Law or Luffy will clash out with Mingo, I hope Law doesn't got killed by him. like my other sister said "You never know..." but it will be such a shame if another cool and really badass character died. My heart is not ready

Okay, off to bed!



Monday, October 20 | 2 comments
Hello peeps! How ya doing?

I am currently in my final stage of life exam but I got a week off! Hooray! *throws shirts everywhere* and I have 3 paper left after this holiday and after that I am FREE! I can sense the freedom that approaching to me. Come to papa my dear!

and of course, being a person that I am, seems like I have developed this kind of 'illness' that I-got-a-lots-of-things-to-do-during-exam-seasons. Trust me, it's annoying as heck. like you have a lot of idea and you want to draw it but you can't because you need to study.

Gotta jot this down
  • Skinning for osu! /cries
  • Learn how to beatmap
  • osu! mania 5/6/7 key
  • Finish the 3+2 english novels (they keep piling up without I even notice)
  • Learn how to write fanfic FAST
  • Finish that story-teller drawing
  • Finish my on-going stories
  • Draw that scene from 'Romeo of Hiroshima'
  • Draw my avatar from Cocoppa Play
  • Complete the One Piece episodes that missing from my files
  • Marathon One Piece!
  • Catch up One Piece manga!
  • Reread Bakuman/Eyeshield 21/Shaman King manga
  • Recommend a few manga titles
I got this really strong vibe that I will complete like just 10% of them after my final ended. Because I have this lazy sickness and all I want to do is procrastinating, watch some good anime and tease my sister just to annoy her.

Have to share this because I unable to control my feelings after seeing this and I have to move away from my laptop for a few minutes

/I don't own this. 

I don't ship anyone from One Piece because I thought they are better that way and their nakama-ship are really strong (even Eiichiro Oda-sensei said so) but this made my day feel a whole better. (I really love Trafalgar D. Watel Law!) be my husbando!

Until then, my fella crew!

